
How Teachers Shape Lives

The Hidden Challenges and Rewards of an Educator

by Skoobuzz 26 Aug 2024, 05:11 PM

In the bustling staff room of every school, a teacher sitting at her desk, lost in the thoughts and concerns for her students, challenging herself each day to do better for them, the constant queries hitting her mind as to which assignment they should prepare for today’s class. How do you prepare the lesson plan to cover all the points? Which experiment should I perform to develop the interest of students? This is the everyday thought channel of a teacher. Thousands of thoughts ebb and flow as the waves of the ocean go through their brain, some give them energy to take immediate action while others nudge them gently to take some action for the betterment of their students.


In this space, teachers have to strike a balance between inspiration and structure, they see each class as an opportunity to teach personal development and academic excellence but despite giving their best these teachers have to balance countless responsibilities including managing lesson plans, Parent Teacher meetings, quizzes, tests, assignments as well as any situation present in the class. The teacher completes every task, in clockwork. Between all these responsibilities their soul gets lost somewhere under all the paperwork.




So how can these overburdened teachers give their best to our children? Is this really what teaching should be about? Let’s look through some TEDtalks to build an idea and understanding of how students can be taught how to pass life not just a subject:


Christopher Emdin in his Ted Talk emphasised the effective ways of teaching. Teaching does not mean merely completing the assigned tasks or paperwork, it is the ability to create magic in the classroom. Their presence in the classroom is not for mere coverage of the lessons but for preparing students for the lessons life will walk them through. It's about sparking interest and curiosity about the subject, giving their best so students can learn it by heart.


Mark Twain a well-known writer remarked that “Teaching is a preparation” and it is so transformative that it can turn ineffective practices into powerful ones and change people profoundly. While guiding our teachers and supporting them we should realise that “Teaching is the profession which creates all other professions”, so it's not simply a 9 to 5 job it is a responsibility to breathe life into a stagnant classroom, rekindle imagination, give the right direction to numerous thoughts and curiosity of students, it's a tool to transform education and life of countless young minds.


Rita Pierson profoundly highlighted in her Ted Talk that a crucial element of teaching is the bond that is formed between teacher and students, as there is no notable learning that can occur without a significant relationship. They are the caregivers and allow students to flourish students under their love and support, allowing students to feel safe and express their genuine feelings and concerns, allowing them to unlock the student's hidden potential. These educators become mentors for students, guiding them throughout their educational journey and further in their lives. The values we have of this day were seeded in us by giving us a caring and loving atmosphere, realizing that our opinions matter and our feelings are valued.


In 1930 B.F Skinner proposed the reward and punishment theory that stated that using reward and punishment (not physical) on school-aged children shows an immediate effect, and they can change their behaviour if used promptly. However, these rewards and punishments can be used to motivate the students to perform the same task. But in his TED talk, Dan Pink highlights that rewards can limit students' potential and they only focus on fulfilling the task to get the prize, genuine interest cannot be developed by this method, hampering these young individuals from finding what they like.


Unequivocally, teachers should give some free time to students, allowing them to do what they want, exploring and coming up with some innovative ideas without imposing their opinions on them. By expressing their creativity, an improvement in their performance can be seen since their academic stressors are diminished along with allowing them to harness their creativity. To develop their problem-solving skills students need to be exposed to a variety of challenges and scenarios that will teach students on how to think critically. Mathematical puzzles, scientific experiments, various social dilemmas, and creative projects hence are necessary tools to enhance the analytic power of students.


In the TED talk, given by Tyler Dewitt, he presents the listeners with the importance of presenting lessons on any subject in the form of interesting stories that attract students' attention since it helps them to learn things easily. The power of imagination allows them to explore countless possibilities and foster creative learning. Teachers impart their extensive knowledge and skills to students, which has a great effect on their lives. They have the power to pique students' passions and assist them in realizing their ambitions hence the way they deliver their learnings should be in a way that students are nudged to think in that direction. 


Passion and perseverance combine to form grit which is the key to achieving long-term goals as mentioned by Angela Lee Duckworth in her TED talk. Teachers can help students to stay focused on their long-term objectives. For example, students preparing for board exams need to focus for long periods on their studies. They can be aided by their instructors by being provided short-term goals. Achieving short-term goals through proper preparation boosts their confidence allowing them to achieve a much bigger goal. 


Overall, teachers serve as role models for students and prepare students not only for academic challenges but also for real-life disputes, hence it is important to take note of the fact that all of us always remember the contribution of teachers in our lives. But how many students have tried to make a difference in their teacher’s life? Yes, it's true, that students frequently expect that it is the responsibility of a teacher to change the lives of students, show them the right path, educate them, support them emotionally and always be there when students need them, however, students sometimes overlook that teachers also need appreciation, care, and respect. 


Despite the struggles of low salaries, long hours of teaching without sitting, correcting hundreds of notebooks every day, and many other administrative works, teachers remain dedicated to their students' growth and success. They look for the positive outcomes of their efforts and try to make a meaningful difference in their life.  


Students and teachers are two sides of the same coin, each incomplete without the other. So next time you see a teacher grappling with workload and striving to give their best, it's your responsibility to appreciate and respect their hard work, not only because they deserve it but also because it is vital. All the above great speakers emphasized the importance of diligently working for the students, creating effective lesson plans, building strong relationships, and preparing a confident and independent next-generation indeed is crucial. However, if we continue to expect and take from teachers without offering them the love, care, and respect they deserve, their enthusiasm for teaching may eventually run dry. It is equally important to honour these real heroes in our lives. Always remember that a teacher’s dedication and passion for teaching are sustained by their efforts and the respect and recognition they receive from their students and community.


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