Dakshina Kannada’s Big Step: Approval for 11 New Kindergartens in Public Schools banner

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Dakshina Kannada’s Big Step: Approval for 11 New Kindergartens in Public Schools

"Building a Brighter Future”:Dakshina Kannada Approves 11 Kindergartens

In this bustling, dynamic and diverse society of India, a silent but continuous  revolution of education is unfolding its wings, holding the promise of transforming the nation’s future. Early childhood education, the bedrock of lifelong learning and development, is being championed with unprecedented vigour. As the Indian government rolls out visionary initiatives to nurture its youngest minds, the impact on the country's educational landscape is set to be profound and far-reaching.


Approved to open 11 new kindergartens in government institutions, the Dakshina Kannada district administration is taking a big step towards improving early childhood education. Including all nine Karnataka Public Schools, this raises the district's total number of kindergarten-offering schools to 100. A teacher and a caretaker will work in each class, and the government will supply the required funds. The school development and monitoring committees  (SDMCs) have been tasked with setting up the classrooms. As stated by the deputy director of Public Instruction, Venkatesha Subraya Patagara (DDPI) of Dakshina Kannada, district schools have been authorised to begin kindergarten classes on their premises upon the petition of the corresponding SDMCs. A certified teacher and a caregiver will work in these kindergartens. Kindergarten, often known as pre-primary education, was first offered in government schools for the 2019–2020 school year.


The main goal of this initiative is to provide children from economically disadvantaged access to pre-primary education, which is frequently costly in private institutions. The program is different from the ones run by the Department of Women and Child Development at anganwadi centres. The District Institute of Education and Training offers a week-long training that certifies the instructors assigned to these kindergartens as qualified educators.


Officials from Samagra Shikshana Karnataka (SSK) state that the recently approved schools would start accepting 4 year old  students for LKG classes. A minimum of 20 pupils and a maximum of 30 students each class are required. The SDMC will set up distinct classrooms with settings reminiscent of kindergartens. The children will receive wholesome meals akin to that offered in anganwadi centres, classes will be conducted between  10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Almost 3000 anganwadi workers are working currently in Dakshina Kannada district, in response to a question concerning possible resistance from anganwadi workers who might worry about losing their employment as a result of kindergarten being implemented in schools as, officials said that Dakshina Kannada has not seen any such development. The opening of these kindergartens is a major advancement in Dakshina Kannada's educational equity. The district hopes to close the gap between various socioeconomic groups by delivering early education facilities at government schools, giving every child an equal start in their educational journey.


Editor’s Note:

Early childhood education is a milestone for lifelong learning and development of children. It enhances cognitive,social and emotional skills which ensure that children are better prepared for formal schooling. Indian government launched several initiatives to promote early childhood education.  The National Education Policy 2020 emphasises the integration of early childhood care and education (ECCE) into the formal education system. Establishment of these kindergartens is a significant step towards educational equity in Dakshina Kannada. It reflects the district's commitment to fostering a strong educational foundation for its youngest citizens, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the future.

Skoobuzz appreciates the efforts of the state government for this initiative which will bridge the gap between different socio economic groups and offer every child a fair start in their educational journey.