Educational and Technological Collaborations Flourish Between India and Vietnam banner

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Educational and Technological Collaborations Flourish Between India and Vietnam

New Agreement Enhances Faculty and Student Mobility Between India and Vietnam

India, renowned for its millennia of knowledge and learning, has historically been a center of educational exchange. Centuries ago, Buddhist monks and scholars, including those from Vietnam, travelled vast distances to Takshashila, a holy land of Buddhist learning, in their quest for knowledge. Today, India remains committed to sharing its development experiences and expertise, strengthening partnerships with countries like Vietnam.

The Association of Indian Universities(AIU) is delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Association of Vietnamese Universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This agreement will promote Faculty and student mobility as well as enhance international collaboration between Indian and Vietnamese universities. This step will add a new chapter to the India and Vietnam relationship.

India has significantly supported Vietnam through various bilateral aid initiatives, providing over 200 scholarships and training courses. Notable contributions include the establishment of the Vietnam-India English Language Training Center (VICELT) in Danang in 2007 and the donation of a high-performance computer to the Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2013. The collaboration between Indian and Vietnamese universities also encompasses student exchange programs, educational counseling, and career guidance. Recently, the Indian Embassy and Vietnam National University  Hanoi co-hosted an education fair, enhancing knowledge sharing and strengthening connections between prominent institutions in both countries.

The two countries have considerable collaboration in a variety of industries, including technology, agriculture, and security. Hanoi built the Center for Advanced Resources for Information Technology in 2011, with help from India. Additionally, India contributed $150,000 to the establishment of the Indira Gandhi Hi-Tech Crime Lab. Experts from Vietnam National University  Hanoi and Indian educational institutions recently shared thoughts on Vietnam-India education collaboration, India's National Education Policy, and learning experiences, resulting in expanding educational links between the two countries.


Editor’s Note:

AIU is excited to announce a new MOU with the Association of Vietnamese Universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This agreement aims to enhance faculty and student mobility and boost international collaboration between Indian and Vietnamese universities. India’s ancient tradition of knowledge sharing continues with this partnership, previously various scholarships, the Vietnam-India English Language Training Center, and contributions to the Indira Gandhi Hi-Tech Crime Lab were initiated by India. Recent initiatives like the education fair co-hosted with Vietnam National University Hanoi further demonstrate the commitment to strengthening educational ties between the two nations. 

Skoobuzz anticipates that this MOU will enhance the skills of students and teachers while also boosting cultural exchange between India and Vietnam.