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International Policy

California School Safety Package Introduces Controversial Armed Officers Proposal

Assembly Bill 3038 Faces Criticism and Support as California Grapples with School Safety Concerns

A public safety package has been introduced into the California Legislature, containing a bill that requires armed officers at every school in the state. Many schools have opted out of having any officers on their campus altogether, however, a California Assembly member is introducing a bill that will put the officers back on campus, armed with a weapon. This decision has led to major controversy.

Assembly Bill 3038 is one part of a 3-prong public safety package brought forth by Assemblyman Bill Essayli. It required all k-12 California schools to have at least one armed officer present on campus during school hours. However, it has received backlash as the American Civil Liberties Union has called it a bad public policy. Ana Mendoza, director of education equity with ACLU Southern California stated that students of colour and with disabilities are especially vulnerable to discriminatory arrests with police present on campus. She wants to handle the student conflicts through school counselors, not through law enforcement.

Essayli has mentioned that there have been 96 school shootings between the years 2018 and 2023. He said that they need good people with guns ready to prevent this from happening in the future. Some parents are backing this bill and want the officers back on campus, while some are saying that metal detectors would not hurt to be on campus. On the other hand, the ACLU has said that there have been many instances where students are being arrested simply for their regular adolescent behavior.

Mendoza said that schools are supposed to be nurturing centers, where students can grow and develop properly. Keeping law enforcement on campus will hinder the healthy development and safe environment that schools will be otherwise able to provide. A report from the ACLU in 2021 where they analyzed data from schools nationwide with law enforcement present during the 15-16 school year says a key finding was that schools are under-resourced and over-criminalized. They also found that nationally students with disabilities were nearly 3 times more likely to be arrested, in some states that number was closer to 10.


Editor's Note:

With a track record of multiple school shootings, student safety is one of the biggest concerns in America and the proposal for armed officers in California schools looks like a step in a positive direction. However, concerns about the potential sprouting of discrimination have led to a heated debate. The issue brings to notice how difficult it has become in the modern world to enforce the law to ensure the safety and well-being of the students.