UGC Allows Universities to offer admission twice a year July-August and January-February banner

Domestic Policy

UGC Allows Universities to offer admission twice a year July-August and January-February

Biannual University admissions enhancing flexibility and choice for students

The University Grants Commission (UGC) proposed plan to expedite the rigidity of the typical college admissions process has soothed the anxieties of Indian students. Indian Universities typically take admissions once a year, which brings many challenges if students miss the deadlines for application forms, forcing them to wait an entire year to apply for the desired course. The organisation has announced that now Indian Universities can take admissions twice a year which enhances flexibility and efficiency in the admission process.

The new admission cycle for the year 2024-25 will be the July-August summer session and the January-February winter session. The biannual admission cycle will undoubtedly help students since it allows them to reconsider their chosen area of study with no longer being pressed for time. The decision of UGC opens up new possibilities for students and institutions. Many reputed institutions abroad follow this bi-annual admission model and allow students to apply for admission multiple times during the year. This change will not only attract a variety of students but also enhance the competitiveness of the institution and will allow Indian universities to align more closely with global standards and practices.

A bi-annual admission system will benefit universities and higher institutions as well since by separating the admission process over two cycles, institutions can better manage the application process, and allocate the resources more effectively, allowing the transition of students more smoothly. The waiting for the admission list and the number of queries to the admission office will be easily manageable. This new policy by UGC to permit universities to offer admission twice a year is a significant development for students, universities, and the education sector. The students will sit in the company placements as industries will more often visit the campus. By embracing this change and adapting to global trends, Indian universities can enhance their competitiveness, attract top talent, and provide a more inclusive and dynamic learning environment for all.  

The remarkable step of UGC to allow Bi-annual admission will make the foundation for higher education. Universities need to implement this policy effectively, give clear guidelines, a transparent process, and adequate support for the students will be crucial to ensure the success of this new system. 



Editor’s Note: 

The progressive move towards updating higher education in India, the University Grants Commission's decision to allow universities to offer admissions twice a year, marks a historical shift in the traditional academic calendar. The students get more flexible choices for their careers and need not wait for the entire year to get admission. Skoobuzz applauds the step of UGC and encourages universities to embrace this change wholeheartedly in ensuring the success of the bi-annual admission system.