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BITS Pilani Launches Design School in Mumbai to Shape Future Innovators

Revolutionizing Design Education with a Focus on Technology, Business, and Entrepreneurship

BITS Pilani announced on February 15 the launch of BITS Design School (BITSDES). It is a future-focused design school, modeled on top global design institutes, being set up in Mumbai. The school will combine Technology, Business, and Entrepreneurship with creative arts to nurture Design professionals who will actively contribute to India’s aspiration to become a developed nation by 2047. 

The Chancellor of BITS Pilani has noted design's role in addressing the new age's intricacies. The school will use a bold, trans-disciplinary, and competency-based approach to reimagine the design education area. It hopes that design will positively impact people, businesses, and the world. The Chancellor said they are nurturing a new generation of leaders, who will be able to create value and solve problems through design. 

BITSDES will introduce a four-year Bachelor of Design (Honors) program for the academic year 2024-2025. A Master’s Degree program and a Faculty Development Program for Design Educators will be introduced over the next two years. International visiting faculty and a marquee Indian faculty will be teaching the founding class of 2024. In the second year of the program, students may choose any one of the five streams of specialization. BITSDES has strong international influence, including Don Norman, the founding director of Design Lab, Sandy Speicher, former CEO of IDEO, Biju Dominic, chief evangelist at New York and Mumbai-based Fractal and CEO of Finalmile Consulting, and finally John Thackara, the author, professor and curator of The Doors of Perception. 

The curriculum for BITSDES was co-curated with Aalto University, Finland, and will be annually reviewed by them as well. The collaboration with Aalto University also comes with free mover student exchange programs. BITS also has a partnership with RMIT University, Australia, they are working on identifying future collaboration opportunities. The faculty at BITSDES is also signing up to participate in the training and mentorship program which is connected to the Hasso Plattner School of Design at Stanford University. BITSDES students will have access to the 1,80,000+ BITS Pilani Alumni Network, which spans to 55 countries. A dedicated career support office will benefit the students by aiding in their preparedness, and exposure and by providing access to leading Design firms, corporations, banks, NGOs, and research organizations.

A fully residential permanent campus will house BITS Design School, BITS School of Management, and BITS Law School. It is being built over 63 acres in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The aim is to make it a zero-carbon footprint campus over time. Although the permanent campus will be functional in 2025, BITSDES will commence its 2024 session from its interim campus in Powai, Mumbai. Meritorious students will receive generous scholarships to enable access and ensure the diversity of the cohort.


Editor's Note:

The launch of this new course should encourage institutions to evolve with time and create courses that equip students with the skills and mindset necessary to stand out in the global professional landscape. The collaboration with international universities will ensure a holistic learning environment, hands-on learning, and transdisciplinary thinking allowing students to access training from diverse backgrounds and thrive in the field of design. 

Courses like these should be encouraged by institutions in India where stereotypically traditional subjects are pressurized over dynamic and creative courses. Once courses and engagement with them become common the education dynamics in our country will evolve creating a much more favorable environment for youth to engage in leadership and creative roles.