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International Policy

Ensuring Healthcare Equality in Gangwon Post Increase in Admissions

Changes in Admissions Aim to Ensure Equal Opportunities Across Regions

It has been noticed that going to medical school in Gangwon is easier after the recent increase in admissions by 2000. This has led to parents expecting that students would move more to local areas to pursue admission to medical colleges. The interesting insights came when the number of students in an area was compared to the available spots in medical schools and it showed that the Gangwon Province has the highest ratio of students getting into medical school compared to high school seniors in South Korea. In Gangwon this ratio is the highest in the country i.e. 3.8% which automatically shows increased chances of students in this area to get into medical school because of their increased spots in medical colleges for students.  

The government has made a rule that schools should give preference to students from the same region so that they have enough doctors in each region to take care of the local community. For example: students from Gangwon province will find it easier to get admission to their region's medical college than any other. They have also come up with regional talent screening programs to support local talent further and encourage students to stay in their community and pursue careers. This will allow students to apply to high schools in the same region as the medical school they wish to attend. The only thing is students must live in the region for a certain period, typically six years during middle and high school, to be eligible for admission to medical school on this basis.

Gangwon Province also leads the country with the highest ratio of students enrolled in both middle and high schools which directly shows the interest of the residents in education. However, regions like Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam have lower ratios of medical school admissions to students, making it difficult for students in these areas to secure a spot in medical school. Still, some universities in these regions prioritize local talent selection, providing opportunities to those who wish to pursue medical education locally.

The overall goal of this initiative is to have sufficient doctors to look after each region's population and for this, each university will decide how many more students they can take into medical school. 


Editor’s note:

This initiative to make changes in the medical school admission pattern is a win for everyone involved. With students getting easy admission to medical colleges along with the convenience of living in the city they are familiar with is a win-win. It also ensures all the districts have access to medical care as and when needed. This highlights the government’s seriousness about the well-being of its citizens and making healthcare accessible which is necessary.