Farewell Celebrations at AMU ABK High School Bid Adieu to Outgoing Class X Batches banner


Farewell Celebrations at AMU ABK High School Bid Adieu to Outgoing Class X Batches

Celebrating Milestones with Vibrant Cultural Performances and Heartfelt Farewells

Recently, farewell parties were organized at both AMU ABK High School Girls and AMU ABK High School Boys to mark the departure of the class X students. The festivities were filled with vibrant cultural performances, featuring Qawwali, Bhangra, cultural dances, and theme-based dances presented by the students. At AMU ABK High School Girls, the title of Miss Farewell was bestowed upon Fatima Imteyaz, with Mugdha Singh, Alfia, and Gauri recognized as the first, second, and third runners-up respectively.

Dr. Faiza Abbasi, the Director of UGC HRDC at AMU, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and praised the students for their outstanding performances. She commended both students and teachers for organizing a memorable farewell and encouraged the students to strive towards becoming valuable members of society. In her address, Principal Dr. Samina urged the students to dedicate themselves to achieving excellent results in their upcoming board exams.

The farewell program at AMU ABK High School Boys was adorned with colorful decorations, including flowers, balloons, and flags. Students showcased skits, dances, and songs, and delivered speeches to commemorate the occasion. Abdul Rehan, Arsalan Ahmad Farooqui, and Ghulam Ghaus Khan, all from class X, delivered heartfelt speeches. The evening also featured a Farewell Contest for the class X students, where prestigious awards such as Mr. ABK, Student of the Year, and Mr. Farewell were presented to deserving recipients.

Prof. Qudsia Tahseen, the Deputy Director of DSE at AMU, graced the event as the Chief Guest and encouraged the students to pursue their dreams with dedication and integrity, echoing the vision of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Principal Dr. Samina emphasized the importance of discipline in shaping the students' future lives and inspired them with her words of wisdom. The festivities concluded with the distribution of mementos and refreshments to all outgoing students, marking the end of a memorable chapter in their academic journey.


Editor's Note


The farewell celebrations at AMU ABK High School Girls and AMU ABK High School Boys mark a significant milestone in the journey of the outgoing class X students. These events not only serve as a fond farewell but also reflect the vibrant spirit and talent present within the student community. The cultural performances, speeches, and awards showcased during these celebrations highlight the dedication and achievements of the students, as well as the support and guidance provided by the faculty and staff of the schools.

As these students embark on new chapters in their lives, we commend them for their hard work and wish them success in all their future endeavors. We also extend our gratitude to the school administration, teachers, and guests for their efforts in organizing memorable farewell events that will be cherished by all involved.