Literary Revolution! 22,000 Books in Regional Languages are About to Transform India's Reading Culture! banner

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Literary Revolution! 22,000 Books in Regional Languages are About to Transform India's Reading Culture!

ASMITA Project: Government Launches Massive Project to Promote Indian Languages!

In a landmark move that underscores India's commitment to linguistic diversity and cultural preservation, the Government of India has unveiled an ambitious project to produce books in various Indian languages. This initiative, led by the Ministry of Education, aims to enrich the nation's literary and educational landscape, ensuring that the diverse linguistic heritage of India is both celebrated and accessible to all.

On 16 July, the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Union Ministry of Education announced a scheme to publish 22,000 books in Indian languages over the following five years. Higher Education Secretary Sanjay Murthy introduced the ASMITA (Augmenting Study Materials in Indian Languages via Translation and Academic Writing) project. In keeping with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, it is one of the many steps the government has taken to support Indian languages in the educational system. The UGC and Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti, a powerful council under the ministry, will work together to promote Indian languages in education.

The goal of this project is to provide a strong environment in higher education for translation and first-hand book authoring in Indian languages across a range of subjects. Within five years, the UGC hopes to publish 1,000 books in 22 languages, translating into 22,000 Bharatiya Bhasha volumes, according to a release. By June 2025, the commission hopes to have 1,800 textbooks covering the Arts, Science, and Commerce courses published, according to UGC Chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar. In addition to member universities from different regions, up to 13 nodal universities have been designated to lead this project. In each of the designated languages, the UGC has also produced a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the book-writing process. This SOP covers identification of Nodal Officers and Authors, assigning titles and programs, writing and editing, submitting the paper, reviewing and checking for plagiarism, finalizing, designing, proofreading, and e-publication the speaker stated.

In addition, the ministry unveiled Bahubhasha Shabdakosh, a multilingual dictionary of Indian languages, on 16 July. The Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti and the Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) will work together to produce this project. The UGC stated in the statement that "this Shabdakosh will help in using Bharatiya words, phrases, and sentences for various new age domains like IT, Industry, Research, and Education."


Editor’s Note:

ASMITA Project signifies its name as it glorifies the lingual diversity of India. The launch of this project marks a significant moment in India’s literary and educational journey. By committing to produce 22,000 books in Indian languages, the government is not only addressing the linguistic needs of its citizens but also promoting the veiled languages and culture of India. This initiative enhances learning outcomes, especially for students in rural and underserved areas, by providing material in their mother tongue. It's time to pass down traditional knowledge and stories to our future generations.

Skoobuzz appreciates this landmark move of the Indian Government, it will surely enrich the knowledge of students as well as support the regional authors and publishers to produce original work in their native language.