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Looking For Sports Tech Startup? Join IIT Madras Sports Tech Conclave in Delhi

Be a Technosports: IIT Madras Launches a Sports Tech Conclave to Unite Innovators From Sports And Technology

The nexus between sports and technology is a source of innovation and opportunity in a time when technology is transforming every part of our lives. With the world witnessing unparalleled progress in sports administration, fan interaction, and athletic performance, IIT Madras is pleased to present the Sports Tech Startup Conclave in Delhi. This exclusive event is expected to bring together visionary thinkers, business executives, and sports fans to analyse and commemorate the state-of-the-art advancements influencing sports in the future. 

Mahesh Panjangula, the Dean of IIT Madras, stated that the sports technology business is still in its infancy in India and hence extended an invitation to startups from all around the country to participate in this conclave, stating that a rising sports tech company might assist our athletes become more well-known internationally. The two-day event is slated for July 12–13 in the nation's capital with the aim of advancing technology for Indian sports goods makers as well as for the indigenization of specific goods and services.

The IIT Madras Centre of Excellence in Sports Science and Analytics will provide a five-crore investment via IIT Madras Parvartak Technologies, together with incubation support, to ten noble sports tech start-ups. The university wants to spearhead the effort to incubate at least 200 sports technology start-ups from India with innovative concepts in the next five years. The Concave will feature a few goods and applications allowing different parties to network and collaborate by gathering public and private players under one roof, according to the CEO of IIT Madras' Center of Excellence in Sports Science and Analytics, Ramesh Kumar. Additionally, IIT Madras CESSA will allow players, managers, coaches, referees, and other players in the sports ecosystem to access high-quality education through technology.

In order to offer upskilling opportunities for different participants in the sports value chain, the institute also intends to expand on the success of the digital learning project by operationalizing a Digital University for courses centered on the sports business.

IIT Madras is well known for fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. The institution hopes to assist and hasten the development of sports tech entrepreneurs by putting on this colloquium. The occasion is in line with IIT Madras' goal of bridging the knowledge gap between academics and business by creating an environment that fosters the growth of innovative ideas.


Editor's Note:

In the field of sports technology, the IIT Madras Sports Tech Startup Conclave is expected to be a historic occasion. The conclave is an unmissable event for anybody interested in the dynamic intersection of sports and technology, as it is poised to impact the future of sports technology through its focus on innovation, collaboration, and information exchange. Skoobuzz commends IIT Madras for merging sports and technology, a move poised to revolutionise Gen Z sports enterprises.