GDC Vijaypur Launches Intra-College Sports Meet Promoting Drug-Free India and Voting Awareness banner

Domestic Seminars

GDC Vijaypur Launches Intra-College Sports Meet Promoting Drug-Free India and Voting Awareness

A Dynamic Event Advocating 'Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan' and Voting Awareness Campaign

GDC Vijaypur inaugurated a dynamic two-day Intra-College Sports Meet in collaboration with the NSS unit (Khidmat), with a focus on promoting a 'Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan' (Drug-Free India) and a 'Voting Awareness Campaign'. Led by Prof. (Dr.) Vandana Gupta, the college Principal, said the event aimed to cultivate sportsmanship and civic responsibility among students.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Gupta lauded the students for their enthusiastic participation in various sports events and stressed the vital role of sports in deterring youth from substance abuse. She emphasized the potential of sports to foster teamwork and holistic personality development.

Moreover, Dr. Gupta dedicated the sports meet to raising awareness about the importance of voting rights among students and staff, highlighting the essential role of every citizen in shaping the nation's governance.

The competition commenced with a spirited chess tournament, with four men's and two women's teams, followed by an energetic volleyball competition featuring three teams. Refreshments were provided to all participants, enhancing the camaraderie and enjoyment of the event.

The meticulous organization of the sports meet was overseen by a dedicated team led by Dr. Anoop Kumar Bhagat (Convenor, Nasha Mukhti Abhiyan), Dr. Manoj Heer (Convenor, Sports Committee), Dr. Jan Mohd. Wani (PTI), and coordinated by Prof. Anita Jamwal, Prof. Mamta Gupta, Prof. Ritu Bhagat, Prof. Poonam Kundan, Dr. Naseem Chowdhary (NSS PO), Prof. Rakesh Kumar, Prof. Mazid Malik, Dr. Priyanka Ganjoo (Member, Nasha Mukhti Abhiyan), Dr. Tisha Singh, Dr. Attied Khawar, and Gagandeep Singh.

The event not only showcased the athletic talents of the students but also instilled a sense of civic duty and responsibility, in line with the college's commitment to holistic education and societal well-being.


Editor's Note

With intense pressure during competitions comes the desire to resort to substances to ease it. Meets as one discussed above act as platforms to advocate for important social issues. Along with discussing drug abuse, voting was also discussed transcending traditional boundaries and incorporating social responsibility amongst the attendees and individuals associated with the institute. Steps like these might seem small but are vital in building a better nation.

Skoobuzz commends GDC Vijaypur for taking the initiative and committing to societal well-being.