Shaping the Future of STEM As Three Yale Students Availed the Quad Fellowship banner

Scholarships and Grants

Shaping the Future of STEM As Three Yale Students Availed the Quad Fellowship

Yale’s Quad Fellows: From Yale to the World: Three Students Awarded Prestigious Quad Fellowship

Three Yale graduate students have been selected as part of the latest Quad Fellows cohort, a prestigious scholarship program supporting promising young scientists and technologists. The Quad Fellowship is an initiative by the governments of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, sponsors outstanding master’s and doctoral students to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the U.S. Its unique programming emphasizes enhancing Fellows' capacity to apply science and technology for the betterment of society. This year's cohort of 50 Quad Fellows includes students from various ASEAN countries, expanding beyond the original four partner nations: Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. The fellowship aims to foster connections among the next generation of scientists and technologists, enhancing academic performance while promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration among all participating countries.


The Yale Quad Fellows for 2024 are Kumaresh Ramesh, an incoming master's student in environmental management at the Yale School of the Environment; Chantelle Pereira, an incoming master's student in chronic disease epidemiology at the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; and Stanley Tan, a Ph.D. student in environmental science at GSAS. Each Fellow will receive a one-time $40,000 stipend for academic purposes. During the fellowship, they will have opportunities to network and engage with prominent leaders in STEM, government, and society. 


Ramesh, from India, earned his undergraduate degree in energy systems engineering from IIT Bombay. He has worked on repurposing coal-fired power plants with Black & Veatch Global Advisory and as a research analyst at the Council on Energy, Environment, and Water in New Delhi. Now pursuing a Master of Environmental Management at Yale School of the Environment, Ramesh aims to accelerate the transition to net zero by influencing public, governmental, and industrial interactions. Pereira, an Australian, will investigate endometriosis and neurology at Yale's School of Public Health, to reduce suffering and raise disease knowledge among decision-makers, educators, and healthcare professionals. She was originally selected as a 2023 Quad Fellow but deferred to this year. Pereira co-founded the Cognitive and Brain Sciences Student Society at Macquarie University and was awarded the 2022 Emotiv Prize for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Tan, who is from Singapore, graduated from Yale-NUS College at the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies. He formerly worked for the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat and was awarded the Lewis B. Cullman Fellowship at the New York Botanical Garden. His study focuses on plant-microbe interactions and their impact on plant variety, employing field studies and computer tools.


The Quad Fellowship is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), a global non-profit organization known for sponsoring outstanding scholarship and fellowship programs.


Editor’s Note:

The academic excellence of the three Quad fellows represents the pinnacle of intellectual achievement and dedication. Their impressive achievements and dedication to their respective fields not only reflect their commitment but also bring significant honor to Yale University. Their inclusion in this distinguished program highlights the caliber of talent emerging from Yale and underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing global challenges. 

Skoobuzz extends heartfelt congratulations to Ramesh, Pereira, and Tan for their selection as Quad Fellows.