Dr. Senthil Kumar Thangavelu Leads Workshop on Mendeley Reference Manager for Effective Research Paper Writing banner


Dr. Senthil Kumar Thangavelu Leads Workshop on Mendeley Reference Manager for Effective Research Paper Writing

Empowering Participants to Enhance Academic Writing and Research Skills

Dr. Senthil Kumar Thangavelu hosted an immersive workshop aimed at mastering the Mendeley Reference Manager (MRM) to enhance academic writing and research skills. The hands-on training session delved into the comprehensive features of MRM, empowering participants to seamlessly integrate it into their scholarly pursuits.

The workshop elucidated the functionalities of MRM, including its intuitive smart collections feature, enabling users to organize and access their most recent articles effortlessly. Moreover, participants gained insights into creating personalized collections tailored to their research topics. Dr. Senthil Kumar also delved into the MRM's site add-on, facilitating seamless citation of articles in various citation styles.

Participants learned the step-by-step process of installing MRM on their laptops, with an emphasis on leveraging its cloud capabilities for offline access. The cloud integration ensured seamless synchronization of articles across devices, enabling uninterrupted research workflow.

Exploring the intricacies of MRM's library management, participants discovered the versatility of custom, smart collections, and groups, enabling efficient organization of research materials. The workshop underscored the importance of grasping the core concepts before delving into individual laptop installation.

Importantly, participants learned to utilize MRM's web importer and site features for the swift importing of articles from online sources. This streamlined process facilitated the seamless integration of PDF versions into MRM, enhancing research efficiency.

Furthermore, Dr. Senthil Kumar guided participants through the installation of MRM's site feature, enabling the creation of a local repository for documents and references. Participants learned to organize articles into topic-specific folders, optimizing their research workflow.

Armed with newfound knowledge, participants were equipped to harness the power of MRM in crafting compelling research articles. The workshop culminated with practical guidance on leveraging MRM for research article composition in Microsoft Word, empowering participants to embark on their academic endeavors with confidence.



Editor's Note

Individuals working in academics need to constantly update themselves with technology updates, publishers, research trends, etc. so that they can stay ahead of their peers and present their research to a wider audience. Reference management software is highly useful since most research papers have multiple references that can be difficult to track if left to human capabilities. The hands-on training allowed educators to add to their technical skills and optimize their research projects. Skoodos encourages educators to take part in such seminars, interact with fellow researchers, and strengthen their technical skills since it is vital in the current times for enhanced scholarly output. 

