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Northwood University's DECA Club Shines at State Conference, Sets Record for International Qualifiers

Celebrating Success and Excellence in Collegiate Competition

At Northwood University, the DECA club won big at the Michigan Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference. Despite being one of Michigan's smallest colleges with a DECA club, they presented an excellent performance. Advisor Patrick McElgunn praised the students' competitiveness and effort. This year's state competition was the largest in over 40 years. Typically, about half of Northwood's DECA students qualify for the international competition, but this year, about two-thirds of them did. The international competition took place in April in Austin, Texas.

During the state competition, Northwood students competed against students from numerous other universities in different events. Seven Northwood students were finalists, and 17 of them qualified for the international competition. McElgunn said that everyone is excited and ready to compete at the International Career Development Conference. It's going to be a super exciting way to end the school year!


Editor's note:

Skoobuzz would like to congratulate Northwood University's DECA club on its impressive success at the recent Michigan Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference. Despite the smaller size of the club, it outperformed with the students demonstrating outstanding performance and competitiveness. Their advisor, Patrick McElgunn, also applauded their dedication especially when two-thirds of the DECA students qualified for the international competition.