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International Admissions

Only Indian selected for the University of Pennsylvania

Ujjwal Rastogi: The Indian Recipient of Admission to the University of Pennsylvania.

Ujjwal Rastogi was the only Indian selected for the Jerome Fisher Management and Technology Program. Impressive and motivating, we have unpacked his personal statement so that you get a better idea and mind map to embark on the same path if you aspire to. 

The Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology is a reputed, dual degree program at the University of Pennsylvania combining Wharton School and Penn Engineering allowing students to understand both business concepts and engineering. The course grew out of the need to bridge the gap between technical disciplines and management, aiming to “educate future leaders capable of tackling big global problems by designing and building technology-driven products and organizations. However, it is notorious for selecting only 50 to 55 students annually. 

Ujjwal’s profile aligned beautifully with the department’s vision and he highlighted the same in his Statement of Purpose which was one of the core reasons for his selection. His attempt to clean river Ganga and work on a tracking device to avoid truck collisions was a direct testament to his desire to work for his community. For his project ‘DriveMate’ he filed a patent application as he curated a research project on object detection using infrared sensors during extreme climates of rain and fog. 

He combined his humanitarian ventures with business perspectives and partnered with organizations to raise funds and generate revenue which he reinvested in his ventures. Improving community problems using technology and his entrepreneurial foresight ticked all the boxes for the university and was welcomed to the course. His story not only highlights his accomplishments but also serves as a blueprint for a similar academic journey.