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Domestic Seminars

Exploring the Status of Tamil Language in Modern Technology

Bring to light “Glorious Status of Tamil Language” in Today's Era

Tamil is one of the oldest languages in the world and holds a significant place in India's linguistic heritagethe linguistic heritage of India. In the early 21st century more than 66 million people were Tamil speakers and they are still present throughout the world. So recognizing the importance of such a precious language and promoting Tamil language and Literature in a conference on Tamil Language is organised by is a remarkable step by Anna University. 

Anna University is one of the prestigious technical universities which is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and was established in 1978, known for its excellence in technical education and research. This conference will assess the worth of the development of the Tamil Language and Literature and the stature of Tamil in Modern Technology. Language is the vehicle of knowledge and transmission of culture in recent years, and there has been a growing recognition of the importance of Tamil in modern technology.

The conference holds importance since Tamil Literature has one of the finest literature which includes poetry, drama, prose, and religious texts. Having the knowledge of the oldest classical language with a literary tradition that spans over two thousand years will benefit students and enthusiasts alike. Anna University conference will include students from different schools, college, universities, higher education institutions, Medical colleges, law colleges and Engineering Colleges, to develop familarity with the versatility of the language and how well it is spoken or used, making the conference one with diverse audiences and more room for varied discussions.

In this technical Era, there is a need to make digital content so it can be accessible to Tamil-speaking users. This conference of Anna University will discuss the usage of Tamil in Television platforms and newspapers, to localise and translate the Tamil language so that the native speakers access and engage with technology in a more familiar language.The language also has an important role in government offices in Tamil Nadu and the state government has taken significant steps to promote the use of Tamil in official communication and documentation. Government employees are provided with Tamil language training to ensure proficiency in the language so that they can effectively communicate and carry out their official duties in tamil. The conference will highlight the importance of Tamil in state government offices, courts, legislature, union government offices, constituencies in foreign states, and in the field of artificial intelligence. Thus the Government is taking significant steps to promote Tamil Language speaking throughout the world. This will also help to promote Indian culture and Heritage.

Tamil Language plays an important role in research and scholarly activities helping students to explore literary, historical and cultural aspects of Indian culture. The conference is also inviting Tamil scholars, researchers, Tamil activists from all over the country, neighboringneighbouring states, foreign countries, and research students as these students and researchers work in depth and will allow understanding of the current status of Tamil Language in Modern technology. 

Scholars, and researchers play an important role in developing Tamil content which can reach every nook and corner of the digital world and these developments have not only made technology more accessible to tamil speakers but also preserved and promoted the language and literature. As technology continues to advance we need to continue investing in the development of the Tamil Language technology to ensure its continued growth and relevance in this digital age.


Editor's Note:

Tamil Language is one of the classical languages of the world spoken by 66 million people and the Anna University conference will not only gather Tamil speakers from throughout the world under one roof but also allow the perseverance of the glorious heritage, culture and literature of Tamil language. This conference will highlight the usage of the Tamil Language in modern technology and how we can advance it. The conference will help the scholars, and researchers to make their research enriched by the knowledge they gain from the experts of the Tamil language. Scholars delve into the vast collection of Tamil literary works and explore the historical, social, and cultural contexts of Tamil Literature. Skoobuzz encourages the interested participants to attend the conference and expand their Tamil Language and Literature knowledge.