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International Seminars

BioMedEng24 Conference: Queen Mary University of London Leads the Way in Biomedical Innovation

Biomedical Engineering Conference: A Premier Gathering of Multi-Disciplinary Leaders in Biomedical Engineering.

Queen Mary University of London’s School of Engineering and Materials Science will host the 16th BioMedEng Conference on September 5th and 6th. Over 400 biomedical engineers, researchers, clinical specialists and industry professionals will come together at this premier event. It will be the UK's largest assembly of experts from diverse fields. The university has led Biomedical Engineering for over 50 years, housing the Centre for Bioengineering and the Centre for Predictive In-Vitro Models. The School of Engineering and Materials Science, ranked seventh in UK research (REF 2021), will host the 16th BioMedEng conference. Recently, the school secured a £7 million grant to establish an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies, focusing on training future leaders in this cutting-edge field.


Professor Martin Knight, Chair of the BioMedEng Council and Dean for Research at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, stated "Queen Mary University of London was a pioneer in offering bioengineering and biomaterials undergraduate degrees, and it today has one of the largest bioengineering units in the country.” With their expertise expanding fields like biomaterials, mechanobiology, healthcare robots, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge organ-on-a-chip technologies, the “BioMedEng24 will serve as a premier platform for the brightest minds in biomedical engineering to converge, share groundbreaking research and innovations, and drive the future of medicine through technology."


Professor Hazel Screen, a renowned expert in organ-on-a-chip technology at Queen Mary University of London, commented "At Queen Mary, it is believed diversity is critical for innovation and is committed to ensuring that new technologies benefit everyone." The EPSRC CDT recognised their pioneering research in organ-on-a-chip technology, expanding treatments and improving their understanding of human biology. Queen Mary University of London is also committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, and BioMedEng24 will showcase the diverse talent in the biomedical industry. The School of Engineering and Materials Science has reaffirmed its Athena Swan Bronze award for the third consecutive year. Notably, 56% of the conference's keynote speakers are female, and the agenda includes a special symposium on Women and Child Health, demonstrating the institution's dedication to gender equality.
Professor Dame Molly Stevens from the University of Oxford and Imperial College London will present on "New Bioengineered Materials for Advanced Therapeutics and Ultrasensitive Biosensing," discussing her work on designer biomaterials for disease diagnostics and regenerative medicine.

The Plenary Debate at BioMedEng24, titled "Transforming Technology for Future Medicine," will be chaired by Professor Martin Knight from Queen Mary University of London. The panel includes Professor Alvaro Mata from the University of Nottingham on bioinspired materials, Dr Anne Vanhoestenberghe from King’s College London discussing implantable electronics, Professor Matthew Dalby from the University of Glasgow on nanotechnology and cell behaviour, Professor Hazel Screen from QMUL covering organ-on-a-chip technology, Ms Jane John-Lewis from Intuitive Surgical on robotic surgery, and Dr Anna Barnes from King’s College London exploring AI for health and clinical translation.

BioMedEng24 is proudly supported by a diverse array of partners including Ansys, Optics11, British Heart Foundation, Nikon, Fluigent, Cellink, The Company of Biologists, Rheolution, Materialise, LaVision, Animal Free Research UK, RSPCA UK, and Calla Lilly Clinical Care. These esteemed organizations contribute to the conference’s success by providing invaluable resources, expertise, and support, reflecting their commitment to advancing the field of biomedical engineering and fostering innovation.



Editors' Note:

Biomedical Engineering (BioMedEng) is a multidisciplinary field that applies principles of engineering, biology, and medicine to address healthcare challenges and improve patient outcomes. The 16th BioMedEng conference at Queen Mary University of London is an important milestone in the field of biomedical engineering, demonstrating the university's long-standing leadership and commitment to innovation. BioMedEng24, the UK's largest gathering of professionals in this varied discipline, will showcase new research and cutting-edge technologies presented by major luminaries in the field. The conference also highlights Queen Mary's commitment to equity and diversity, with a strong line-up of female keynote speakers and a special focus on Women and Child Health.

Skoobuzz looks forward to the anticipated breakthroughs from this conference in Biomedical Engineering. The outcomes are expected to significantly enhance diagnostics, treatment, and patient care across various medical fields.