RVS College Successfully Hosts Employment Fair in Collaboration with BOPT banner


RVS College Successfully Hosts Employment Fair in Collaboration with BOPT

Collaboration with BOPT Brings 33 Companies to Offer Opportunities to Hundreds of Attendees

The employment fair organized by RVS College of Engineering and Technology, in partnership with the Board of Practical Training (BOPT), has concluded on a high note. Hundreds attended the Job Fair with 33 Participating Companies, held under the guidance of Binda Singh, Chairman of the RVS Educational Trust, the fair witnessed a significant turnout from states like Jharkhand, Bihar, Bengal, and Orissa.

The inauguration of the fair saw dignitaries, including Chairman Inder Kumar Aggarwal from Sudisa Foundry Pvt Ltd, lighting the lamp. They emphasized the pivotal role of such events in creating employment opportunities and fostering skill development. Secretary Bharat Singh emphasized the importance of vocational education in securing post-educational employment and aligning student skills with industry requirements.

Reflecting on the six-year tradition of hosting employment fairs, K Chandramouli praised the accomplishments of participants who have found employment through these initiatives. Principal Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari and TNP President Dr. Vikram Sharma stressed the significance of knowledge and skill development in ensuring a promising future for the youth.

Dr. Shantimaay Mandal concluded the event by expressing gratitude to all participants, organizers, and companies for their contributions to the fair's success, highlighting the collective effort towards preparing the youth for employment opportunities.


Editor's Note

Getting employed post-completion of college is one of the most stressful part of a young adult’s life. Employment fairs organized within the college allow students to explore potential employers and jobs available in the market providing them an insight into the job market, their eligibility, and potentially their new job. This also allows to bridge the gap between employment and education which can be intimidating for a fresher. 

Skoobuzz encourages students to take advantage of such events and try different opportunities just to explore and analyze the skills that they have acquired over the years and maybe find a different or more suitable career path that is more fulfilling for them, becoming the next generation of empowered individuals.