110 Students from 14 Schools Explore Sustainability Solutions with Wipro Earthian banner


110 Students from 14 Schools Explore Sustainability Solutions with Wipro Earthian

Wipro Earthian Empowers Students to Build Sustainability Models for Schools

As environmental concerns are rising alarmingly, we need to develop and implement sustainable solutions to address these challenges. The Kolkata wetlands have been struggling for many years due to increasing environmental pollution. Home to 100 species of birds, 40 species of fish, and numerous plant species, these wetlands are now facing a serious threat to their biodiversity. Over the past few decades, urbanisation has led to the destruction of 50% of the original wetlands. This situation raises a critical need to adopt sustainable solutions to address the ongoing environmental challenges.

To build the skills, attitudes, and values necessary for shaping a sustainable future, schools need to take the lead. In this direction, students from 14 different schools across Kolkata came together at  Modern High School for Girls for the Wipro Earthian Sustainability Education Program's annual meet and regional award ceremony on 7 September. The Disappearing Dialogues Foundation organized the event, which honored the accomplishments of 110 students who took part in one of the biggest sustainability education programs in the nation.

A film about the East Kolkata Wetlands was screened to start the program, Ashish Bipin Shah, a Wipro earthian and consultant, held the workshop. Shah thanked the students for their commitment to environmental protection during his speech, saying that it was encouraging to see such a strong devotion. He underlined how crucial it is to make sure that our way of life does not harm the planet's natural systems to preserve enough resources for the next generations. Nobina Gupta has been heading the Disappearing Dialogues Foundation for the past 6 years and working with schools in the East Kolkata Wetlands. She emphasized that every student should become a leader in their own right and improve their home and neighborhood.

A variety of activities were offered at the event to provide children with hands-on experience learning about sustainability. Among these were the creation of paper boats for a wetlands simulation and a performance with Dakshini Prayash Narayanpur High School students portraying different species of wetlands. This local school was one of 22 establishments in India to be awarded a National Award and is situated among the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW).

According to the National Education Policy, the goal is to move students to activity-based learning that prioritizes sustainability, as stated by the lead teacher, Abhijit Dasgupta. Students from East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) schools, including Sujan Sardar and Nayna Naskar, made artworks that adorned the auditorium and served to inform guests about the distinctive ecology of the wetlands. Students from Mahavir Institute of Education and Research, Ek Tara, and Modern High School for Girls received regional awards for their exceptional accomplishments. Furthermore, certificates of participation were given to Future Hope, Kheadaha High School, and Bamanghata High School for their involvement.



Editor’s Note: 

In an inspiring initiative, students from 14 institutions, supported by the Wipro Earthian Sustainability Education Programme, have developed sustainability models for their schools. This activity-based learning program included creating paper boats, wetland simulation models, and portraying various wetland species. These activities aimed to draw attention to the urgent environmental issues wetlands are facing and encourage proactive solutions. The event's primary goal was to secure a sustainable future for upcoming generations, achievable if we commit to protecting natural ecosystems.

Skoobuzz applauds the groundbreaking efforts of the Wipro Earthian Programme in advancing environmental education and fostering a commitment to sustainability.