S.M.I.L.E collaborated with experts in the dental industry and the program starts from 7 to 12 July 2024 banner

International Seminars

S.M.I.L.E collaborated with experts in the dental industry and the program starts from 7 to 12 July 2024

Sharpen your Dental skills with the S.M.I.L.E Healthcare Pathway Program

Known in the dental industry for their commitment and dedication to nurturing excellence in healthcare education S.M.I.L.E. Healthcare Pathway has announced a program that will be conducted in collaboration with distinguished partners from the dental industry. The program was established to enhance healthcare opportunities and equipped necessary skillsets to the students attending, allowing medical professionals to perform well

They are committed to nurturing talent and driving positive change in the healthcare landscape. These collaborators will allow it to expand its reach, enhance its offerings, and provide students with unparalleled learning and professional development opportunities.

The Dental Training program has the following highlights: 

1. The program will be conducted by well-trained and dedicated dental professionals whose guidance will be profound for student’s career development.

2. The program will be focused on training students in real-world problems, honing their practical skills. 

3. Along with dental training, students will also be guided through the range of careers they can choose from and narrow down their career options

4. Networking will be a vital part of the program and attendees will meet other fellow dental professionals from around the country fostering relationships for a lifetime.

5. The program will reach a finale by allowing students to showcase their learning through a tangible presentation.


The program will commence at Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in Nashville, Tennessee from 7 July to the 12th of the month and for more details about the program, interested individuals are advised to check the website https://ndaonline.org/smile-program.

The S.M.I.L.E. Healthcare Pathway Program begins an exciting new chapter of growth and partnership, renewing its commitment to excellence, innovation, and student achievement. By forming strategic alliances with dental industry leaders, the program is prepared to raise the standard of healthcare education and open up new avenues for aspiring healthcare professionals to attain their objectives.


Editor's Note: 

S.M.I.L.E. Healthcare Pathway Program takes a step forward in its quest for innovation and excellence through strategic expansion in collaboration with well-known dental industry experts. The program’s commitment to equipping students with the abilities of the dental profession and experiences to thrive in the constantly changing healthcare environment is commendable and has the potential to significantly influence the future of healthcare education and leave a lasting mark on the industry at large thanks to its strategic collaborations and unwavering commitment to quality. Skoobuzz congratulates S.M.I.L.E. for shaping the future of healthcare education and encourages students to participate in the program.