Students' Artwork Transforms Art Alley Ahead of Total Solar Eclipse Celebration banner


Students' Artwork Transforms Art Alley Ahead of Total Solar Eclipse Celebration

Astronomical Artistry: Students Illuminate Art Alley with Space-Themed Murals Ahead of Total Solar Eclipse

In a collaborative effort by students, the art alley on April 8 was covered with space-themed murals in anticipation of the total solar eclipse. Named “A Walk Through Cosmos”, Harding Academy, Riverview High School, and Searcy High School in partnership with White’s Artworks and the Creative Group of Arkansas organised the event, led by Jason White, Chairman of Art Alley and a board member of the Creative Group of Arkansas. 

White was passionate about revitalizing Art Alley, especially post-COVID, and considered it an apt opportunity to allow students to channel their creativity along with serving the purpose. Through a meticulous selection process that consisted of a series of contests held at the participating schools where students were asked to submit their artworks the artists to paint were selected. 

The art teachers beamed with pride and described them as  "the cream of the crop" when they saw the young artists paint their version of acclaimed paintings, one of them being the post-impressionist style of Vincent van Gogh, reminiscent of “The Starry Night.” One embarked on his space mission and painted an astronaut against the backdrop of the eclipse. At the same time, another junior from Harding Academy featured the solar eclipse as an eye against the backdrop of the mural representing the transition from day to night. 

The event was organized ahead of the total solar eclipse making it a perfect escape for science and space enthusiasts. This amalgamation of science and art along with the dedication of the students made the event worth the visit. 


Editor’s Note


Art has the power to foster connections by starting engaging conversations and the Art Alley stands as a beacon of wonder and inspiration for both the creators and the spectators. The efforts of the Searcy Eclipse Committee, White’s Artworks, and the Creative Group of Arkansas allowed the students to express their creativity and provided them with a platform to showcase their talent. Such ventures with schools allow the students to express themselves beyond the institutional frameworks and also build a solid portfolio for their future creative endeavors.