Ryanites Win COP 28 Climate Change Challenge with Innovative Water Scarcity Solution banner


Ryanites Win COP 28 Climate Change Challenge with Innovative Water Scarcity Solution

COP 28 Winners Announced: Celebrating the Champions of Climate Action and Their Groundbreaking Solutions

UN Climate Change conferences, known as COPs (Conference of the Parties), are held on an annual basis and significantly represent the world’s premier multilateral forum for climate decision-making. These conferences bring together almost every country around the world to address the crucial topic on climate crisis. The key goal of these conferences is to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and aid vulnerable communities in adapting to climate impacts and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. 


At the United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai, at COP 28, Aquifer Guardians, the Ryanites team won the Climate Change Challenge. This ingenious team of 5 students including Aniba, Anika, Jasreen, Naina, and Sonali, demonstrated their creativity and scientific aptitude through their project, “Mitigating the Effects of Water Scarcity.” The initiative was a joint effort of Burjeel Holdings and Said Business School which attracted 600 teams, 8000 students, and 43 nations Acquifier Gurdians stood out among them for their innovative approach, applauded by judges for their collective work to cut water consumption. Their effort demonstrated leadership and effective teamwork in tackling a significant global issue.


The team's success is driven by the vision of Chairman Dr. A.F. Pinto and Managing Director Dr. Grace Pinto, who emphasized the necessity of being leaders and change-makers. As winners, the Aquifer Guardians will attend a specialized climate change program next summer at Oxford University in the United Kingdom.


Editor’s Note:

COP 28 concluded that it is clear that this conference played a significant global role in combatting the climate crisis. The emergence of Ryanite’s Acquifier Guardians as Climate Change Champions marks the innovative spirit and dedication of these young minds around the world. The project “ Mitigating the Effects of Water Scarcity” is a critical issue presented by creative solutions to drive impactful change. 

Skoobuzz congratulates all the winners and participants who contributed to this crucial cause.