Contribution of Business Schools to Develop a Better Society: A Conference by the University of Exeter banner

International Seminars

Contribution of Business Schools to Develop a Better Society: A Conference by the University of Exeter

Empowering Change: Business Schools Driving Sustainable Social Development

The University of Exeter, a prominent business school, is hosting a conference on June 20-21 to address the role of business schools in building a better future and society. The conference is set to empower business schools to work on sustainable development, seeking to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

The conference will leverage business education as a catalyst for positive change in the global scenario, will keep sustainability as the priority, and will delve into innovative strategies that can promote public health, and environmental conservation and enhance social equity. The sessions at the conference will be thought-provoking with many experts, leaders, industry experts, and educators igniting meaningful discussions which pave the way for a more sustainable future for the next generations.

Business schools have a transformative power in shaping societal values and behaviors and the conference will serve as a platform for all the business schools to share their knowledge and incorporate their learnings to resolve common global issues. Through interactive sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and keynote presentations, participants will exchange ideas and practices and co-create solutions that resolve the complex challenges facing our world today.

The event will culminate in the critical role of business education in fostering a culture of responsibility, innovation, and inclusivity. Business schools must integrate environmentally friendly practices into their day-to-day practices as they can empower individuals to drive positive change within their organisations and communities by equipping leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to direct a rapidly changing landscape.

The University of Exeter’s conference serves as a ray of hope and inspiration as our civilisation needs to focus on sustainability urgently, this conference will guide us towards the path where we can create a safer, healthier, and greener society for the next generations. Sustainable development can only be achieved through collective efforts of academia, industry, and civil society so it is the need of time that all organisations join their hands together for social transformation.


Editor's Note: 

The University of Exeter's Conference on Examining the Intersection of Business Education and Social Impact is long overdue since it offers valuable perspectives on how business schools may contribute to the creation of healthier, more equitable, and environmentally friendly societies. The conference emphasises how crucial business schools are to promoting sustainable growth and having a beneficial social impact. All students in business schools will be inspired by this conference to pursue an education that will fulfill the needs of the natural world. Skoobuzz commends the University of Exeter for attempting to link sustainability with the real motive of business school education.