Legislature Urged to Approve $21.4M for Western Washington University to Enhance Funding banner

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Legislature Urged to Approve $21.4M for Western Washington University to Enhance Funding

WWU Requests $21.4 Million to Combat Lowest Per-Student Funding Among Public Universities

Western Washington University is a public institution in Bellingham Washington which in addition to a few PhD programs, provides a variety of undergraduate and master's degree programs. There were 664 full-time faculty members and 14,747 students enrolled at the university as of 2022, 13,801 of them were undergraduates.

Over the last three decades, this University has received some of the lowest funding per student among four public universities, and is requesting $21.4 million from the state legislature to address its funding challenges. Approved by the Board of Trustees on August 16, this request aims to bring WWU’s per-student funding to a level comparable to Central Washington University, which has the second-lowest per-student funding in the state.

The majority of tuition funds are allocated to staff pay, leaving the university with little money left over for necessities like in-demand programs, campus facilities, and student support services. The main obstacle hampering the university’s capacity is the lower tuition fees compared to other universities, which receive more state money per student. The university is seeking an additional $898 per student per year, totaling approximately $10.72 million annually over the next two years. This increase is essential for the university to remain competitive and adequately support its students.

To meet state educational goals and deliver quality services, universities also need to attract and retain qualified staff, requesting full funding for cost-of-living adjustments due to limitations on local revenue and modest tuition increases. Restoring full funding for these adjustments will help prevent further cuts to the base budget, thereby protecting funding for student services and academic programs.


Editor’s Note:

Western Washington University’s request for $21.4 million from the state legislature represents a crucial step toward addressing its long-standing funding challenges. As the lowest-funded public four-year institution in the state, the university faces significant financial constraints that have impacted its ability to support academic programs and student services. This request highlights the urgent need for increased per-student funding to stabilise the university’s budget and enhance its capacity to meet educational and support needs. 

Skoobuzz hopes that WWU will soon receive the required funding which will help in providing quality education for students.